First, it’s important to clarify cleaning vs. disinfecting. Here’s how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) differentiate these processes:
Cleaning requires water and either soap or detergent to remove dirt, spots and stains. Just cleaning a surface won’t kill viruses, bacteria or fungi. Instead, it can remove germs from surfaces and lower the risk of spreading.
Disinfecting uses chemicals to kill germs. It won’t necessarily remove spots and impurities, but it is the best way to remove contamination. In order for this process to work, you will need to clean a surface before applying disinfecting spray. The EPA has an extensive list of registered disinfectants that are effective against viruses like COVID-19.
There’s also sanitizing, which lowers the number of germs to a safe level determined by public health standards. Sanitizing is the most common practice for surfaces that come in contact with food. This process can be done without using chemicals, like with a steam cleaner.
Here’s a look at cleaning and disinfecting processes by the type of surface. When cleaning and disinfecting and while the elevator is drying, you may want to temporarily shut it down to avoid foot traffic.

Hard/Non-Porous Surfaces – Wall Panels, Doors, Handrails
- Before disinfecting, use soap and water to remove dirt and grime. Use cleaning solvents per the manufacturer’s recommendation and consult your elevator service provider to be sure the products are safe to use — this is especially important for electrical areas.
- Never pour water on any electrical areas. Instead, use a damp paper towel or cloth.
- Use a disposable paper towel or a microfiber cloth, and an EPA-registered disinfectant. Opt for a non-abrasive, non-corrosive solution that is compatible with the surface material.
- Sweep or vacuum the floor or carpet. Carpets can trap dust, germs and dirt, so it’s important to vacuum even if it looks clean.
- To deep clean a carpet, use a steam cleaner or an appropriate EPA-registered solution. Non-carpeted flooring can be disinfected with a non-abrasive, non-corrosive solution.
Soft/Porous Items –Rugs, Pads, Mats
- Clean the items first by removing noticeable debris. You can do this by sweeping or vacuuming.
- If possible, wash the items in the laundry on the warmest setting.
- If you can’t throw an item in the laundry, clean it with soap and water and a cloth. After cleaning, use an appropriate disinfecting solution.
Non-Chemical Disinfectant Options
Chemicals aren’t the only way to disinfect. Purifying and disinfecting products, like the CASPR 200, are designed specifically to kill bacteria, viruses and other germs found in elevators. These small systems are installed in the elevator cab and eliminate air pollution, including illness-causing pathogens.
The safety of you and your passengers is the most important part of the elevator cleaning and disinfecting process. Here are a few helpful tips:
- If necessary, shut down the elevator when you’re cleaning. This will help you avoid interruptions and unnecessary contamination.
- Wear disposable gloves and a gown to protect your skin and clothing.
- Wash your hands in between elevator cleanings.
- Avoid touching your face while cleaning. You don’t want chemicals or germs getting on your skin or in your eyes.
The frequency will depend on the type of building. If you have dozens of elevators located in a busy, high-traffic office building, you may want to clean and disinfect them on a daily basis. But if you have a single elevator in a small apartment building, a weekly cleaning could suffice.

Medical facilities should obviously take a different approach. Since sick people are constantly coming in and out, elevators in high-traffic areas (like lobbies and emergency areas) should be continuously disinfected throughout the day.
Also consider the season and climate. Your elevators may need more attention during flu season or if another illness is spreading throughout the building. Remember that germs can stick around for longer than we may think. According to the World Health Organization, viruses like COVID-19 can live on surfaces for up to a few hours to several days — the exact time will depend on the type of surface. In this instance, frequent disinfecting is key to prevent the spread of the virus.
- Always clean surfaces before using disinfecting products.
- Review the elevator manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning. Some surfaces could become damaged if you use the wrong solution.
- Also check the directions on any cleaning or disinfecting solution you’re using, as some might not work to the best of their ability if used incorrectly. For example, do you know how to properly use Clorox disinfecting wipes? According to the instructions, Clorox says to “wipe surface, using enough wipes for the treated surface to remain visibly wet for four minutes. Let surface dry.”
- It’s important to disinfect surfaces that may not be considered high-touch areas. Germs and bacteria can land anywhere in an elevator — doors, floors, wall panels, etc. To ensure that your elevator is as clean as possible, the entire elevator needs to be disinfected.
- Don’t use sponges when cleaning or disinfecting. They can collect bacteria.
- Never spray chemicals directly on to an elevator surface. Spray the solution on to a fresh paper towel or a clean microfiber cloth and then wipe down the surface. Spraying chemicals directly onto a surface could cause electrical damage.
- Make sure that the products you are using haven’t expired.
- Throw away cleaning gloves, gowns and disposable paper towels immediately after use. Wash reusable cloths right away.
- Never shake out dirty items before cleaning them (rugs, drapes, etc.). This could spread dirt and bacteria throughout the air.
- Consider offering alcohol-based hand sanitizer in common areas of your building to encourage healthy hand hygiene.
The CDC recommends practicing social distancing of at least 6 feet. But how do you socially distance yourself in an elevator?
As businesses begin to reopen, Bloomberg Law notes that buildings may need to limit the number of people allowed in an elevator, especially since the virus can linger in the air. While this will inevitably result in long lines and late workers, building owners will need to get creative. We’ll likely see freight elevators open for public use and more leniency for late workers. It’s also an opportune time to ensure that your elevators are covered by an elevator maintenance plan, as downtimes are the last thing anyone needs right now.
If you have questions about disinfecting your elevators or would like to learn more about the CASPR 200 disinfecting system, contact our team today.
As a piece of man-made technology, it is essential that an elevator is inspected by a licenced professional on a regular basis in order to ensure that it is safe for use. After all, a small problem can quickly develop into a serious issue that may end up putting the lives of passengers at risk. Here at Volkslift East Africa, our engineers are trained in order to deal with each and every lift related concern that our clients may have. Read on as we go over 3 signs that your elevator may be overdue a service…
Regular Breakdowns
In the event of a breakdown, an elevator is programmed to slowly grind to a halt within the shaft rather than plummet into the basement. With this said, breakdowns that occur frequently should be investigated by an engineer sooner rather than later as it often suggests that there is a serious fault with the mechanics that needs to be addressed.
When an elevator cab stops above or below the desired floor, it is known as mid-levelling. This can cause health and safety issues as it may cause passengers to trip and fall over the lip as they enter or exit the lift. Usually, mid-levelling occurs when there is an issue with the brakes, and is more likely to occur when a lift is overdue a service or the maintenance requirements are regularly neglected.
Jerky Movements
An elevator journey that leaves passengers fearing for their lives is not an ideal outcome. In fact, these cabs should not be utilised until the problem is rectified. After all, jerky elevators can make a journey feel unstable and should be investigated promptly in order to determine the cause of such issues, especially when a service has not been carried out for quite some time.
Every functioning elevator should be inspected on a bi-annual basis in order to ensure that there aren’t any areas for concern within the internal components. In fact, a property owner that fails to abide by these requirements may land themselves with a hefty fine because they are an important health and safety regulation that must be implemented at all times. To find out more information about elevator servicing, get in contact with the lift maintenance experts at Volkslift East Africa today!
Can you imagine your building elevator not functional? Most people cannot. This is why proper elevator maintenance is a necessity.
Elevator maintenance involves ensuring that no accidents or breakdowns happen on elevators. Elevator maintenance helps avoid major replacements and it prolongs the life of elevators.

Choosing the right company for the maintenance of your building’s elevator will be connected to various benefits.
The first and most obvious one is reliability. The elevator will be maintained in a proper way, which means that its up time will increase. You can expect quick reaction in the case of a problem.
Quality of maintenance matters, as well. This is why you should choose the right elevator companies. Picking the right contractor is essential for success. Proper maintenance will decrease the need for frequent calls to have your elevator repaired. Even if you have to pay more for a company that provides good customer service, you will be doing it less regularly than in the case of a mediocre elevator maintenance service.
You will also be enjoying increased safety by selecting the right elevator companies. Let’s face it – the safe operation of an elevator is a very important aspect of maintaining a safe building. Elevator maintenance follows a set of criteria designed to maximize the safety of the people using it. Smooth transportation starts with a safe elevator that is functioning properly.
Just like in the case of any device, an elevator will become outdated as time passes. Technology is changing and so are elevator parts. Look for an innovative elevator maintenance company to advise you on the best available technology for your elevator.
Contracting a quality elevator company will ensure that you will be gaining access to the latest technologies. Old parts will be replaced with innovative ones that increase the efficiency of the elevator and its longevity. An old system can be replaced altogether, giving you and the people living in the building access to the newest and most comfortable elevator ride.
Elevator passengers are expecting convenience and safety. It is your duty to make sure that you are getting access to an elevator company that provides superior customer services. Proper research and taking the time to interview different companies is essential for the selection an elevator company to best fit your needs.