Even well-kept and maintained buildings and equipment gets outdated or fall short of functional expectations within its useful lifetime. VOLKSLiFT EA helps developers, owners, contractors, architects and interior designers to modernize and upgrade elevators, escalators and moving walkways to ensure improvement of safety, performance, aesthetics, reliability and even Eco-friendliness.

- We first carefully understand our clients’ buildings with regard to the number of users, the type of users, working culture and schedules to ensure our technologies meet the diverse needs of the different users. For instance; visitor/clients, employees, delivery people and maintenance personnel have different routes and utility of the elevators and escalators in a building.
- VOLKSLiFT EA’s team carefully plans to help maximize safety and security, while ensuring user comfort and convenience. We fully put into consideration all the aspects of our clients’ building environments that impact how people move around in the building.
As a client, a project management professional from VOLKSLiFT EA will guide you through the following stages:
From your first call, VOLKSLiFT EA will evaluate your needs and work closely with you developing the best solution for your project.
Your VOLKSLiFT EA account manager will meet with you on site and discuss what options and specifications best fit your needs and budget. A comprehensive proposal will then be presented for your acceptance
Your account manager will coordinate with you when the project will begin and how long the installation will take.
Your account manager will perform a comprehensive audit to ensure a safe, reliable and quality product. Our relationship does not end after your product is installed and functioning, we will provide a complete system overview to ensure end user safety.
All VOLKSLiFT products feature an extensive warranty. Extended service options are available.